Lapis Lazuli Necklace for Men/Women
Lapis Lazuli Jewelry is meant to aid the wearer with balance of mental energies. Providing clarity to brain fog. Allowing one to get in touch with their inner/higher self and provide extra sensory wisdom. Extended exposure and practices with Lapis Lazuli Crystal can grant the wearer clairvoyance ( The ability to see with the mind eye) and clairaudience (the ability to hear with the minds eye.
All gemstones are checked to insure authenticity. Crystals are also cleansed upon arrival and charged on departure.
Obsidian jewelry is extremely protective. It will shield you against negativity and any ill will that is thrown your way.
Clasp is made of a rare earth element called neodymium and is the strongest magnet clasp available.
The Cord is a 100 pound test copolymer cord to insure there will be no fraying or breakage.